Where do you find life?

Jan 26, 2025    Zach Todd

Where do you find life?

In the Gospel of Luke, we meet Jesus who doesn’t just claim to have a way to life, but to BE the way to life

Obvious Question #1: Why did Jesus need to be baptized?

“For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:22

Jesus comes as the Last Adam

Obvious Question #2: Why is the Spirit of God leading Jesus into a place where he will be tempted?

Does God tempt us? No.

God as a good Father leads us through winds to deepen our roots in Him, the source of life

“...He was the son, or so it was thought, of Joseph…” Luke 3:23


Booster: Temporary adjunct engine to move unit off launch pad/atmosphere

Primary: Permanent engine taking the unit where it needs to go

“You are my Son, chosen and marked by my love, pride of my life.” MSG

Application questions:

What comes to mind when you consider God as your “true Father?”

In what areas do you need to move past the “booster rocket” and surrender to God as the primary relationship which will take you into life?