We are serious about our mission. We are fully surrendered to Jesus and are committed to sharing hope with anyone and everyone, to help them take their “Next Steps” and experience life to the full! We believe God is who He says He is and we want everyone to experience the life He created them to experience.
(Love God)
(Love God)
We’re continually taking our Next Steps toward God and sharing our stories with others. We cheer each other on to grow, get in groups and live authentic lives together. We fight the urge to live isolated or sheltered by engaging in conversations that could change eternity. We are committed to connecting others with the God who created them.
(Love People)
(Love People)
We are committed to applying the truths of the Bible to our everyday experiences, resulting in lives that are fully transformed. We fight to raise the intensity in our relationship with God by linking arms with Him in advancing His Kingdom by making disciples who make disciples. In doing this, we intentionally dig into God’s Word daily on our own and weekly with others in order to become who God created us to be. We want to be more like Jesus every day.
We have so much fun looking for ways to give of our time, energy and finances to bless others and serve those in need. We realize that we have been given far more than we deserve and if we aren’t careful we can get selfish really fast. So, our response is to intentionally give ourselves away for the sake of God and others! (Serve Others)