Holy Sexuality - Fighting for Marriage

Mar 7, 2021    Charley Carpenter

Holy sexuality consists of being sexually abstinent and fleeing lustful desires in singleness while fighting for innocence and purity, then being sexually and emotionally faithful to your spouse of the opposite sex while continuing to flee lustful desires in the Covenant of marriage.

Genesis 2:18
Genesis 1:27-28
Genesis 2:15
Genesis 2:23-25
Mark 10:6-9
Matt. 5:6
Genesis 2:25
Hebrews 13:4

God doesn’t want you to have the best marriage. God wants your heart!
Marriage is about God, not you!

Ephesians 5:21-31

What sin are you selfishly fighting for that is destroying your life?
What can you do this week to start fighting for God’s dream in your relationships?